From an Obsessive Optimist in the Eye of A Hurricane.

life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; It's about learning to dance in the rain.

In Search Of Symmetry – Day 23 Breast Reconstruction

on April 22, 2011

My day began with my angel.  Angie volunteered to help me when I called the church and asked for help.   The church we attend  has 1200 to 1400 people in a service, you have to call and ask for help.  It is not possible for anyone to just know you are going in for surgery and need help.   Angie and I had never met until she came over to  help me.  She came when I still had 4 JP drains.  She emptied my JP  drains, and helped me shower.   She is a blessing and has blessed me tremendously. Now I have no JP drains and I shower myself.   Together we walked my 3 miles today, then we ate lunch, had coffee at Starbucks and she drove me to the lab to have my blood drawn for my thyroid test. 

Gary worked his last night shift.  In September last year, he was asked to work the night shift.  My husband is not a night person.  He is an early morning person.  Sleeping during the day is very difficult for him.  My bed never got made up.  This was very difficult for me!  Prior to my surgery, on the weekends the girls and I would go shopping, go to the park or to the movies so Gary could sleep.  Even little noises would wake him up.  May 2  he begins his new job and although it will involve some travel away from home, it will be a day job.  Prayers are answered!

Transition is happening.  Two days in a row I went to places, beside the doctor.  Gary leaves the night shift.  God is good all the time,  and his mercies never fail.  If you, dear reader are waiting for something to happen, do not despair, God hears your prayer.  I am agreeing with you, that it will happen.  Sometimes the wait is to prepare our heart for the blessing God has for us.  Sometimes we do not know why we wait.  God is faithful.  Do not despair.

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.  Galatians 6:9  Amplified

I also pray for all the fathers working the night shift.  Today I read a post by a young mother whose husband is working the night shift and she expressed my sentiments exactly.  You can read the post here,

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2 responses to “In Search Of Symmetry – Day 23 Breast Reconstruction

  1. nancyspoint says:

    Thought I’d stop by after spotting you on Ashleigh’s blog. Your blog title – it’s perfect. I had never thought of cancer being like a hurricane, which of course it is!

    • mommemau2 says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by. Please come back. Waiting for surgery to heal is like waiting for paint to dry, excruciatingly slow. Yes, cancer sweeps through your life like a hurricane, changing everything and everone in its path.

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